What percentage of customers actually make a purchase upon initially visiting your site? Would you be surprised if I told you only about 2%? Well don’t be, because that’s the truth. On average, 98% of your website visitors will leave your site without making a purchase. It doesn’t necessarily mean your website is not well optimized or that your products are garbage. It’s just the average person needs to see something multiple times prior to making a purchase. That’s where facebook retargeting ads comes into play.
Facebook retargeting ads allows you to bring back the 98% of customers who left your site without completing a purchase. By not implementing retargeting ads in your business, you are leaving a ton of money on the table. Not to mention the leverage you have once you have these audiences curated in your Facebook ads account. We’ll save that for another time though (hint: Facebook Look-A-Like Audiences).
The way this works is pretty simple actually; although most people think it’s complicated. Here is a quick break down on how the process actually works:
– You place a Facebook Pixel (piece of code) on your website
– Once that Pixel is placed, you can then start building your retargeting audience on Facebook
– When a user comes through your ad and lands on your site, that Pixel will trigger them and place them into the audience you
are building on Facebook.
It’s literally that easy. You can build Facebook Retargeting Audiences off of any page they visit on your site. For example if you are selling a bike on your site, you can build an audience of ONLY the people who actually visited that bike on your store. This is extremely powerful because these users are now familiar with your brand and your product and they will be the easiest to convert at a much lower cost. This increases your ROI and brings more money into your business. Now you should see why retargeting is so powerful. Retargeting can be done using multiple platforms although in this article I will be specifically focusing on Facebook retargeting ads.
Here is a quick overview on how to set up your Facebook Retargeting Pixel. Once you are in your Ads Manager, you will see a row of Tabs across the top (Managed Ads, Account Settings, Billing, Power Editor, Tools). You will go to Tools > Pixels. On this screen you will see 4 buttons under the row of Tabs (Create Ad, Create Audience, Create Custom Audience, Actions). The “Actions” button is actually a drop down. Click Actions > View Pixel Code. At this point Facebook will provide you instructions on how to properly install the code on your site. You just copy the provided pixel/code and paste it in between the <head> and </head> tag on your website. This will track all visitors to your site and will give you the ability to create your retargeting audience inside of Facebook. You only need to paste it once, and you can still build as many retargeting audience as you like. As well as page specific audiences (people who only visit a certain page or product).
Still not sure if Facebook Retargeting Ads (or retargeting in general) is worth the time to set up? Well below is just one example of a recent retargeting ad that we have running. First let me start off by saying our Net Profit per Conversion is about $18. You will see below we are at 92 Conversion at only $1.88 per Conversion! Talk about ROI. We spent $172.86 in ad spend to generate approximately $1,656 in Net Profit. If that’s not motivation to go out and start leveraging Facebook Retargeting Ads, then I don’t know what is 🙂
Hope you guys enjoyed and if you have any comments or questions be sure to put them below!
-Pat Imperiale